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Victim of Jesus

Do you know what it is to give your heart
To those who don’t have neither voice, nor turn,
Where lies distress, to bring the peace,
That was what Sister Benigna did.
Never denied anything to anyone:
Word, food, clothing, love,
Joy, hope, all that’s good, faith,
Restoring in the families the fervor.
Generous soul, the perfume comes from the rose.
Sister Benigna knew how to understand
E that’s why today happy she is,
She reaches out her hand and says:
"If you want to have victory, (3x)
As a child you have to be".
Sleeping at night on a cold stair,
After a hard work and prayer,
The closed door, didn’t make her sad,
For her heart was already open.
What a joy it is to only do good,
To let yourself be guided by the Lord,
To be the loyal confidant of our Mother,
Sister Benigna is victim of love.
Generous soul, the perfume comes from the rose.
Sister Benigna knew how to understand
E that’s why today happy she is,
She reaches out her hand and says:
"If you want to have the victory, (3x)
As a child you have to be".
To you, o dear, the altars!
Let everyone know you and praise God,
Live and spread her miracles and doings.
Eternally blessed your children be.
In the hands of God humble instrument,
Sharing with abundance your gifts,
Serving with love the great King and, now,
Sister Benigna is this hour's saint.
Generous soul, the perfume comes from the rose.
Sister Benigna knew how to understand
E that’s why today happy she is,
She reaches out her hand and says:
"If you want to have the victory, (3x)
As a child you have to be".
Written by Ana Beatriz Lucas dos Santos (music and lyrics), Victima de Jesus was inspired on the stories of the book “As mais Belas Histórias de Irmã Benigna” (The Most Beautiful Stories of Sister Benigna) and highlights a virtue recognized by all his devotees: the donation. Every time we had and everything she had was always given to those most needed.